Dear Students,
I am delighted that you have chosen the Samrat Ashok Pvt ITI as the pathway to ITI graduate. Samrat Ashok Pvt ITI, one of the best ITI in north Bihar, offers an outstanding learning experience. It is recognized for its quality in practical works and excellence in teaching and learning. With a Samrat Ashok Pvt ITI, you hold a passport to a promising career and a successful life ahead.
The ITI program which enjoys international recognition is the preferred career building program for most of the Matric Pass students as well as Intermediate students. The curriculum encourages analytical and critical thinking while the method of continuing assessment combined with final examinations focuses on the application of knowledge.
Samrat Ashok Pvt ITI also offers students a smooth transition to industry style learning which emphasizes independent learning. Rather than just transferring knowledge, we teach students the techniques of learning and provide an environment that supports this approach to learning. By equipping our students with the relevant tools to become independent learners, we hope to give them a head start in university, and ultimately, make a significant difference in their lives.
I wish you the best and hope you will enjoy the Samrat Ashok Pvt ITI experience.
Best wishes to you all